
Penalties for Traffic Offences

penalties for traffic offences

Major Traffic Offences in NSW

In New South Wales, major traffic offences are serious driving violations that carry severe penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and license disqualification. These offences are defined in Section 4 of the Road Transport Act 2013 and include:

  1. Drink driving and drug driving offences
  2. Negligent driving causing death or grievous bodily harm
  3. Reckless, furious, or dangerous driving
  4. Predatory and menacing driving
  5. Failing to stop and assist after an accident causing injury or death
  6. Police pursuit offences

It’s important to note that committing multiple major traffic offences within a 5-year period can lead to increased penalties and disqualification periods.

Penalty Units and Fines in NSW

A penalty unit in NSW is currently valued at $110. Therefore, 20 penalty units equate to a fine of $2,200.

For speeding 10km/h over the limit in NSW, the fine is $285 plus 3 demerit points.

Reckless Driving Penalties in NSW

Reckless driving in NSW carries severe penalties:

  • Maximum court-imposed fine: $3,300
  • Maximum prison term: 9 months (first offence), 12 months (second or subsequent offence)
  • Minimum disqualification: 12 months (first offence), 2 years (second or subsequent offence)
  • Maximum disqualification: Unlimited

Demerit Points System in NSW

In NSW, unrestricted license holders can accumulate up to 13 demerit points before losing their license. Provisional P1 drivers can accrue 4 points, while P2 drivers can accrue 7 points.

Driving on a Motorway Fine in NSW

The fine for driving on a motorway (M-way) in NSW varies depending on the specific offence. For example, stopping on a motorway can result in a fine of $275 and 1 demerit point.

Demerit Points Duration in NSW

Demerit points remain on your driving record for 3 years from the date of the offence.

Driving with 13 Demerit Points in NSW

Unrestricted license holders who accumulate 13 or more demerit points within a 3-year period will have their license suspended. The suspension period depends on the number of points accrued.

New Demerit Point Rules in NSW

As of 2024, there have been no significant changes to the demerit point system in NSW. However, it’s always advisable to check the official NSW Government website for the most up-to-date information on traffic rules and regulations.

Remember, traffic laws can change, and penalties may be updated. Always consult official sources or legal professionals for the most current and accurate information regarding traffic offences and penalties in NSW.


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